Latest - page 64

Yorkshire cats sent to South East to fulfil demand

Last year Yorkshire Cat Rescue took in over 1,000 unwanted cats and kittens. It is unclear why the county has such a “huge” number of cats being abandoned

Apr 13 2018

Labour’s new animal welfare plan

The Labour party recently revealed a pretty ground-breaking new policy entitled ‘Animal Welfare, For The Many, Not The Few’, which looks to tackle some of

Apr 6 2018

Would you clone your pet?

After the passing of her beloved pet dog Samantha last year, Barbra Streisand used cells collected from her prized pooch’s stomach and mouth to have her

Mar 29 2018

Worcestershire street lamp powered by dog waste

It sounds like something from a bad sci-fi movie but the era of dog poo powered lighting is upon us! The innovative idea is the brainchild of Malvern

Mar 23 2018

Street Paws – the vets helping homeless pets

Veterinary bills can be costly at the best of times, but when you’re living on the streets or severely affected by poverty, it can be completely out of

Mar 16 2018