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5 diseases pets can pick up from humans

Known as “reverse zoonosis”, occurrences tend to be rare but are a possibility. The most common type of illness being bacterial followed by viral,

Nov 16 2017

How to help children & dogs get along

Dogs and children don’t always end up having a dreamy lifelong companionship as is usually portrayed in movies. Sometimes, for whatever reason, they just

Nov 10 2017

The dangers of the autumn garden

Autumn is a great time to be out and about, especially for a dog. There are endless piles of crisp, dry leaves to run through, hundreds of squirrels to

Nov 3 2017

Pet care tips for Autumn

With the temperatures dropping outside, it’s time to have a think about your pet care routine for autumn and the upcoming winter. There may be some subtle

Oct 27 2017

Why you should regularly worm your dog

Even just the thought of worms is enough to make most people’s skin crawl. Worms are a particular worry because not only can they harm your dog, but they

Oct 13 2017