Latest - page 76

How cats conquered the world

A comprehensive new study of ancient cat skeletons has revealed that all modern domestic cats seem to have originated from either Turkey or Egypt.

Aug 11 2017

Living with dogs can protect your kids from illness

We’ve all heard about ‘good bacteria’, especially the kind that gets mentioned a lot in yoghurt adverts, but it turns out that dogs can add to the amount

Aug 4 2017

The rise of wearable tech for pets

We’re all quite familiar with wearable tech for humans these days. It’s not unusual to see your co-worker wearing a watch that tracks the number of

Jul 28 2017

5 signs your cat is happy

We love to love our pets. Cats live a life of luxury but they bring so much happiness in return. Wouldn’t it be nice to know if you were making your cat

Jul 21 2017

What to do if your dog is stolen

According to the latest figures from a Freedom of Information request, more than 1,750 dogs were taken in 2016, that figure equates to five dogs every

Jul 14 2017