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Get a QuotePATS 2016 What is it? This is the UK’s number one pet trade event which showcases thousands of products by over 160 exhibitors. Your visit will include
Aug 12 2016
Pet insurance is mainly to help cover the cost of veterinary bills if your pet falls ill or is injured in an accident. However, some policies will also
Aug 5 2016
Back in 2014, Petlog reported that there were more than 70,000 pets missing (lost and stolen) in the UK. We’ve gathered some tips to protect your dog from
Aug 1 2016
1. Golden Retrievers were originally bred as gun dogs to retrieve shot waterfowl during hunting and shooting parties – hence the name ‘retriever’. 2. They
Jul 22 2016
1. Labradors have webbed toes and are therefore great swimmers. This webbing can also effectively act as a snowshoe in colder climates, as it keeps snow
Jul 15 2016