Get in touch+44 (0)1725 551124
Get a QuoteI grew up on a farm and developed a love for all sorts animals big and small, from our many dogs and cats right up to goats and cows! I have worked for PetAir since 2005 and love helping owners get their pets (they are members of the family) safely and comfortably to where they are all going to start their new life together, whether that is Paris or Perth and everywhere else in between!
Jul 21 2019
I started with PetAir in June 2011 and love helping our clients move one of the most important family members over to a new exciting country. By far, my favourite part of the job is spending time with the pets in our kennels and cattery – like this little guy.
Jul 21 2019
Animals have always been a big passion of mine and as soon as I had an opportunity to help fly them all over the world to keep families together I jumped at the chance. We all understand that your pets are just as important as your children so I love the fact I can look after and help your pets have a safe and carefree journey to their new life.
Jul 21 2019
Having come from a background in customer service with companies such as Harvey Nichols, as well as developing a successful career in adult on-line learning, I decided in 2010 to do something that played to my supportive skills and love of working with ‘2-legged’ AND ‘4-legged’ customers. This led to me joining PetAir UK in the quote team.
Jul 21 2019
Animals have always been a part of my life and growing up our house was a little like a zoo with goats, horses, dogs, cats and rabbits to mention a few. I left school and then studied for two years at an agricultural university studying Equine Science upon leaving a found a job as a veterinary nurse in an Equine practice. I started with PetAir UK in 2008 and am one of the senior members of the quoting team.
Jul 21 2019