One of the main airlines we use for taking pets to Japan is British Airways, they have a direct route into a few of the airports in Japan. A direct flight is always better for pets to help minimise stress.

The most popular place we fly pets into Japan is Tokyo. We can fly into other airports, we have a trusted IPATA (International Pet and Animal Transport Association) agent in Tokyo that can assist with internal flights throughout Japan.

Veterinary preparation will need to be carried out well in advance for Japan.  Pets must have a working microchip in place before starting any vaccines. Pets require two rabies vaccinations, given at least 30 clear days apart (the 1st vaccine must still be valid when the 2nd vaccine is administered). Pets then require a rabies blood sample to be taken (this can be taken immediately after the 2nd rabies vaccination). Your pet will need to wait 180 days from the date of blood sampling before they can travel. If you are sending a younger animal to Japan please make sure that your pet is at least 91 days old before your vet gives the first rabies vaccine.

The Animal Quarantine Service in Japan require a notification of any animals arriving, this notification must be given at least 40 days in advance, and there are several forms that need completing in order to do this notification. Once this has been done the Animal Quarantine Centre will issue an ‘approvals’ document. You can view the advice direct from the Japanese authorities here.

Flying pets to Japan is tricky and needs to be very precise and some clients do find it stressful to complete the 40 day notification of arrival. We are happy to arrange this for you through our trusted agent in Japan. They complete these notifications on a daily basis and are well versed with dealing with the Animal Quarantine Centre.

Japan are very strict when it comes to pet travel. It is essential that your vet practice records all vaccines and completes the blood test preparation & forms correctly. Try not to worry, your designated PetAir expert will check all this once you have completed our booking forms.

Your pet will require export paperwork in order to travel to Japan, again there cannot be any mistakes on this paperwork. Our vets are well versed at completing this export paperwork, we would highly recommend letting us complete this on your behalf.

It is difficult for your own vet practice to do this export paperwork, your vet may not be able to sign the certificate of embarkation (as they are not at the airport at the time of departure). Our vets can complete all the export paperwork as they have an office located at the airport.

Please note the rules differ if you are relocating for military purposes, please tell us when you get in touch and we can advise accordingly.

If you have any further questions about Japan pet travel please do not hesitate to contact us. Or if you would like to read our FAQ’s then check them out here.

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