Latest - page 5

Keeping your cat out of your Christmas tree

Curious cats can create chaos at Christmas… We’ve got a few tips and tricks to keep your curious cat out of your tree.

Dec 5 2019

Tenants face rent increase for pets

Owning a pet is one of life’s simple pleasures but you could be charged up to £600 a year more simply for having one in rented accommodation.

Nov 29 2019

New study says that cats recognise their own name

New study shows that cats can understand words but can’t attach deep meaning to them…

Nov 22 2019

Why do you love walking your dog?

The daily dog walk is something that many dog owners would describe as being the highlight of their day. As well as providing wonderful exercise and

Nov 15 2019

The history of Downing Street pets

Pets have long been associated with our country’s leaders, with Henry VIII said to have had a menagerie of animals to his name, including ferrets, falcons

Nov 8 2019